PROGRAM "World Master"


Some of the RESULTS you can achieve with the course

Extreme tax reduction

You will learn all the system and jurisdictions around the world and how to use them to reduce your taxes (even to zero)


You will know how to develop a plan B to protect yourself and your family in the event of wars, pandemics, or any other problems;

Become a global citizen


Transform your business in an international business


Access lucrative business (and investment) opportunities all over the world


Gain an edge over your competitors


Have more Freedom and Location Freedom


Peace of mind - Avoid costly mistakes and penalties


Better quality of life


And much more...

See below the 19 ways this program will change your life

if you picked up your cell phone right now, opened your bank's app, and found everything you've paid in taxes over the past five years. Maybe it wouldn't be in that bank, but that money would have turned into a house, or maybe you would have invested it and multiplied it tenfold in the 2020-2021 bull market of stocks and crypto.
You can't change the past, but from today you can change the future, today you can do a huge favor to your future self, and get him to have in the bank in five years everything you would pay in taxes if you didn't do anything, and start changing both of your lives for the better today.


A recent statistic shows that 69 percent of neo-multimillionaires use international tax planning tools, which have contributed to the exponential growth of their wealth, in many cases allowing them to always live tax-free.

The world in recent years has been changing completely, and it is becoming increasingly important to be "mobile", to be able to move instantly, to use the competitive advantages associated with a given location, and if something changes, to know exactly how to use another new competitive advantage, another again after that, and so on.

And those who have understood it right away are benefiting incredibly, they are using this competitive "unfair" advantage. They anticipated a trend that will become mainstream over the next twenty years, and they have acquired the expertise to profit from it immediately, now accumulating more and more wealth day after day.

Beginning to do something before everyone else (think about Elon Musk's business activities, or trends regarding crypto, the e-commerce sector, Amazon partnerships, dropshipping, and so on), is always the best way to accumulate wealth quickly, and above all, in a way that is disproportionate (in your favor) to the effort.

Taking a practical example, recently an entrepreneur pointed out to us that based on his calculations his business activity would have grown by 52% inside his previous territorial location, while thanks to the new relocation he has grown by as much as 386%, a difference in that case of many millions.

Not only individuals but also every single major brand you know use international reorganization strategies to cut down their tax burden and "eat" their competitors.


Now, imagine all the knowledge appearing in your mind right now, that allows you to understand precisely what to do any time on a worldwide scale to benefit the most, and imagine having the knowledge to always avoid being forced to pay taxes.

While others spend decades of their lives working without keeping a dollar of their earnings, just to pay their taxes, you would finally be FREE to self-determine your own destiny.

You would be ready for whatever happens, changes in the laws of a given country would be irrelevant to you because you would know exactly what to do and how to do it.

If they raise taxes in a given country it would be irrelevant to you because you would know how to live tax-free anyway on a global frame and increase your wealth more and more even when a government tries to attack the rich.

If a new pandemic breaks out, or World War III or every banking institution collapses, while the others panic, you would know exactly what to do under all circumstances.

You would know how to differentiate and protect your assets, how to create a PLAN B to be ready whatever happens, you would be untouchable.

You will have all the knowledge you need to "eat alive" your competitors, thanks to your new competive "unfair" advantages.

And above all, you would have the knowledge to avoid all the mistakes that others make all the time, and lands them in jail or heavily fined (nullifying any benefits).

This course will help you in all of the following:
1) You will learn how to cut down taxes (for many even to zero);
2) You will learn how to develop a plan B to protect yourself and your family in the event of wars, pandemics, price increases, generalized blocking of withdrawals on bank accounts or bankruptcy of banking institutions in a given country, or other potential future problems;
3) You will learn how to transform your business into a global business;
4) You will learn how to create a plan for your international reorganization (for you, your business, and your family);
5) You will learn how to c
hoose the best countries to relocate your tax residence;
6) You will learn how to choose the
best countries to invest in and/or to cash out your capital gains; 
7) You will learn how to choose the
best countries to open a company;
8) You will learn how to increase your earnings from the very first year;
9) You will learn how to gain an edge over your competitors who do not use international tax planning;
10) You will learn how to never again be at the mercy of a single government;
11) You will learn how to grow your wealth immediately;
12) You will learn how to create a plan to achieve Location Freedom;
13) You will learn how to improve the quality of your life and lifestyle;
14) You will learn how to have a life with more lucrative business (and investment) opportunities;
15) You will learn some of the most frequent ways that governments use to attack and investigate those who relocate without the help of international tax lawyers, an awareness that will help you avoid enormous penalties;
16) You will learn which are some of the most important documents you must keep to prove your tax residence abroad, to avoid investigations and penalties;
17) You will learn the mistakes that most frequently make people end up in jail or sanctioned with high fines when they do the relocation by themself or when they turn to unqualified individuals or companies, and how to avoid these mistakes;
18) You will learn how to unlock the power of international tax planning to benefit your status, your family status, and your business.
19) You will learn how to increase your level of freedom and security regarding the future, thanks to these new tools in your arsenal.


We have realized that not everyone can or wants to invest immediately between 25,000 and 80,000 dollars, to be guided by a team of international tax lawyers in every single step and to achieve the best possible tax planning for their specific situation.
That's why we have structured this 8-week course, to give you a much more affordable alternative, giving you many of the things you would receive if you invested 80,000 dollars but spending much less.


To make the course more easily accessible, we have calculated the price by taking the least you would pay (25,000 dollars), in case you turn to professionals for the preparation of a holistic plan that touches even only some of these objectives (even if in most cases you would pay much more than $ 25,000) and we have reduced it by as much as 80%.

Buy now it for just 25,000 4,990 dollars

But not only. If you write to us and tell us your story, and tell us how you will use these huge new opportunities, and these new skills, we will grant you an additional discount (varies from person to person). We want to support people with projects and ambitions in every way, and this is one of the ways we do it. The only thing we ask of you in exchange for the discount is that when, thanks to your new knowledge, you will start changing your life for the better, saving more, earning more, paying less, and much more than those, contact us and describe your experience.




How many participants are accepted?

For this course, we only accept n. 3 new attendees a month, for a very simple reason.
We do not want the course materials to circulate excessively, and therefore to lead to acts of "piracy" and copyright infringements, and for illegal copies of the materials to end up in circulation, as often happens in high-circulation courses.
This is also especially to protect the competitive advantage for participants deriving from intrinsic knowledge in the course, that nobody else (or very few) would have.

What it is?
We have recreated the process that we use to help clients all over the world to transform your business into a global business, increase their earnings, cut down their taxes, improve the quality of their lives, and access new lucrative business (and investment) opportunities.
We took the main components of a tax planning activity costing 80,000 dollars and above, and we integrated them into a much cheaper do-by-yourself course so that anyone can access that knowledge and expertise saving over 75,000 dollars compared to what they would pay if they hire a team of international tax lawyers to assist them in every step.

Change now your future for just 25,000 4,990 dollars
Or contact us ( for more information.

How does it work?
The course lasts 8 weeks and you will receive written and/or audio or video modules every week.
We have worked out this process to allow you a reasonable amount of time for you to learn the system and change your life.
While we have noticed that if we give access to all the material right away most people feel overwhelmed by all the information.
Furthermore, before being sent, each module needs to be double-checked by a lawyer, on the occasion of each new purchase, to rule out the presence of significant new changes in the legislation; also for this reason the delivery must be gradual during the 8 weeks.
Change now your future for just 25,000 4,990 dollars
Or contact us ( for more information.

If you prefer to pay in stablecoins or other cryptocurrencies, contact us and we will give you the addresses for the payment.

If you are not ready for this step yet, we have created a different Program for you, even much more affordable, which will allow you to start saving immediately, from tomorrow, while staying in your country, thanks to the daily application of 10 simple principles and strategies. Discover it below.


Change now your future for just 25,000 4,990 dollars
Or contact us ( for more information.

After making the payment, please contact us at and tell us the email in which you prefer to receive the course in the following weeks.

PROGRAM "Hidden Strategies
(this is a totally different program from the "World Master" Program, and it is mostly about mindset and simple strategies to apply immediately in your own country)

Learn 10 hidden strategies to reduce taxes on a daily basis, even without moving abroad

Surely you have heard countless times of the absolutely low figures that some multimillionaires (but not others)  pay in taxes, without even leaving their country.

Some even admit it (for example, Warren Buffett has famously stated that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary).

Maybe you wondered how they do it.
It is because they have been made aware, after having spent tens of thousands of dollars on consultancy, of the hidden principles and strategies that they have to apply on a daily, monthly, and annual basis to reduce their tax bills, principles that very few know, and are secretly kept within the most prestigious networks and firms.
It is no accident that tax laws are extremely complicated and that some of the tax rules are spread across hundreds, if not thousands, of different laws. Maybe isolated phrases containing tax rules hidden among the thousands of pages of laws that concern something else.
In a certain way, the system is created to prevent you from knowing and ensure that only the elite can benefit from them.

Not even all accountants are fully aware of these principles, since in their work they focus on keeping formally correct books and accounting records and not developing solutions to make you pay as little as possible; only those who exclusively do the latter and work in certain prestigious firms, acquire an awareness of them over time.
For the first time in history, after having helped for years the most privileged to save hundreds of thousands (if not millions), we have decided to find a way to make them accessible to ordinary people too, for a price they can afford.
And to make it possible for you to access them without having to pay more than 10.000 dollars in fees, we have structured this 10-week video course.
During the course, each week we will reveal to you one of these hidden loopholes, hidden tax rules, and principles, secretly kept within the most prestigious networks, and used by millionaires to pay very little taxes, which will allow you to reduce taxes and even completely change your mindset when it comes to taxes, and, in the end, save mind-boggling figures.
All structured in such a way that anyone can understand it.

These principles can be applied in any single country in the world.

We identified all the common traits and we adapted the strategies to match.


We chose a minimum price, which is equivalent to just one hour of the hourly rate of an international tax lawyer, but which will allow you to obtain a utility comparable to what you would have by paying more than 30 hours of an international tax lawyer, belonging to the small circle of tax lawyers familiar with these principles.

We want you to be able to compare how much you have invested in this course and how much you have saved in taxes at the end of the year, and say to yourself: "this was the best investment of my life".

The only thing we ask of you is that, when you start saving a very relevant amount of taxes that you would otherwise have paid, contact us and describe your experience.
For us, it is a source of extreme satisfaction to receive letters and emails from clients and to see how they have turned the tables and are starting to save mind-boggling figures.

Buy now it for just 10.000 799 dollars

After making the payment, please contact us at and tell us the email in which you prefer to receive the course in the following weeks.

If you prefer to pay in stablecoins or other cryptocurrencies, contact us and we will give you the addresses for the payment.

Buy now it for just 10.000 799 dollars


All images are for demonstration purpose only. You will get the demo images with the QuickStart pack.

Also, all the demo images are collected from Unsplash. If you want to use those, you may need to provide necessary credits. Please visit Unsplash for details.